

Occupational therapy in psychiatry treats patients of all ages with psychotic, neurotic and psychosomatic disorders and addictions. These include, for example, mental disorders in children and adolescents, neurotic disorders, personality and behavioral disorders, depression, schizophrenia, schizotypic and delusional disorders, eating disorders, affective disorders, dementia syndromes, organic brain psychosyndrome, disorders in alcohol, drug, medication and gambling addiction.

The basic goals of occupational therapy in psychiatry are the development, improvement and maintenance of:

  • Basic mental performance functions such as drive, motivation, resilience, endurance, flexibility and independence in day-to-day structuring
  • Body perception and perception processing
  • Reality-relatedness of self- and external perception
  • Behaviour appropriate to the situation, socio-emotional competencies and interactivity
  • Cognitive functions
  • Psychological stability and self-confidence
  • Independent lifestyle and basic work ability

The competence-centred method comprises a results-oriented approach with process-oriented components in which the patient performs selected techniques and activities to learn or practice lost or non-existent skills. The interactive method is a predominantly process-oriented group offer that can also have result-oriented shares. The focus here is on the confrontation between the group members.

The expression-centered method includes a process-oriented approach in which the patient is stimulated to come to terms with his feelings, wishes and aspirations through creative offers. Treatment for mental disorders is also indicated to help process a serious illness or to improve the practical handling of permanent severe injury.